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New Zealand Mosque Attack

The terror attack on a mosque by some white supremacist numbskull sickens me to the core. These people were doing nothing wrong. All they were doing was worshipping their god in their way. Why commit this heinous act?

Much of the heathen community is concerned about the terrorists use of “Valhalla” as a means of stating his intended destination upon his death. I totally agree that his, and much of the white supremacist organizations out there, use of our sacred symbols is disgusting. Heathenry has no room for bigots and racists. However, my biggest concern is how callous the human race has become. This type of stuff should not be common place, but it’s becoming so at an alarming rate. Why? What has made humanity so callous and so narcissistic? Because let’s face the facts about this terrorist, he did this while live streaming via a GoPro and that my dear readers is a sign of narcissism. With the increase of social media and streaming technology, this has become possible to live stream such wanton disregard for human life. Should we ban such technology? No, of course not, but everyone should be asking this most important question: why have we human beings become so callous? This is indeed an uncomfortable question to ask, but it needs to be asked and answered. If we are expected to have a conversation on race, a conversation on guns and so forth, why are we not having a conversation for the root of everything that ails our modern society: human callousness?

I hope to the gods that the victims of this horrible act are comforted and are given justice. I hope that New Zealand is merciless in their doling out of the law against this terrorist. And I hope, from all this tragedy, we human beings can become less callous and start loving each other regardless of our so-called differences. We are 7 billion people living on Mother Gaia, none of us are going anywhere. Therefore, we need to learn how to cooperate and get along with each other or we are doomed as a species.

Christian Insanity aka Wild Bill for America on Persecution

It’s always funny to see Christians talk about persecution especially when they were last persecuted around 300 CE.  Afterwards, they were the ones rampaging and persecuting against pagans for centuries.  Now, they’re pulling the victim card while stating that “we need to get back to our Christian roots with Christian public school education.”  Sorry to say, but theocracies don’t work out as they plan.  Instead of providing Heaven on Earth, it becomes Hell on Earth when people believe they are doing “Gods” work.  YOu can’t state you are for liberty and freedom while calling for the 10 Commandments to be the rule of the land.  Commandment #1 especially puts a halt on that whole idea of freedom and liberty.  If people aren’t given the right to believe in one God, many Gods or no Gods, then you don’t have freedom, you have tyranny.

Wild Bill for America is the prime example of one of those supposedly freedom loving Americans who deep down want a theocracy even though he denies such.  When you vociferously call for Christian “education” in public schools and want the 10 Commandments to be the law of the land, I believe that’s proof enough of wanting a Christian theocracy in charge of our country.

With the ascendancy of the Trump Presidency, we ought to be vigilant about what takes place in the United States.  How far will Trump pander to the evangelicals who helped him into power?  If he wants to retain his position in American politics, it’s not inconceivable that Trump will do what it takes to keep his power.  So, it’s up to us Americans to make sure that the swing to extremism doesn’t occur.

On the Worship of Idols

Christians have this tendency  to scathingly reduce paganism to a false religion that worships idols.  First, paganism is an old religion that was around before monotheism became an idea.  The monotheistic concept came from a cult that worshiped one God over the others and it then became popular and acceptable.  How do we figure this?  Well there are two examples from two pagan religions at the time that showed an attempt at solely worshiping one God over the others.  With the Greeks, there was a small cult devoted to Zeus as being the only God and the others being archetypes and not true Gods.  The Egyptian religion was almost extinguished by Akhenaten who tried to forced his monotheism on the Egyptian people.  However, he failed and a lot of his imagery in hieroglyphs were vandalized because of his heresy.  So if these two examples, that happened after the advent of monotheism, and the archaeological evidence piling up showing there was some type of polytheism where the monotheistic God Yahweh was a part of then it only shows that monotheism is nothing more than an offshoot of polytheism where one God was revered above all others.

Second, the idea of idols has an empty, hollow overtone to it and I’m sure it’s meant that way, but our pagan religions are filled with life and vibrancy.  It’s far from being empty or hollow, it has content.  We worship real, living Gods where the idols we worship are imbibed with their spiritual essence.  In other words, it’s a way to invite the Gods into our homes and lives.  They don’t simply step through the threshold like an intruder.  We invite them.  It’s not a hard concept to follow and stays in tune with the idea of free will given to us by the Gods.

In conclusion, the idea of idol worship being seen as empty is nonsense.  There’s more to it than what monotheists believe.  Our religion is as valid as theirs and that’s something they can not take away from us ever again unless we allow it.  So, educate them on their ‘idol worship’ epithet they try to use against us.  Tell them that it means more than what they believe.

The Rock and the Hard Place

In this day and age of secularism and reason, a lot of us polytheists are stuck between a rock (monotheists) and a hard place (militant atheists).  These two aspects of our society believe that our beliefs are silly and wrong, which is a statement of absolute truth according to their worldview.  The problem with absolute truths is that they are always based on faith and not evidence.  It’s faith to say that many Gods exist or only one God exists and it is also faith to state that no Gods exist because if the absence of evidence to prove either claim is considered faith then so should it be said of the atheist hypothesis of no Gods.  Of course, atheists will argue that their hypothesis isn’t a hypothesis based on faith, but rather fact.  In order to know the absolute truth of either God(s) existing or not would require a feat only a demigod is capable of: resurrection from death and thus far no one with these past few centuries can claim that mantle, so if no one among us, polytheists, monotheists and atheists, haven’t returned from the dead then none of us know the absolute truth of the existence or nature of the Gods and thus it’s based wholly on faith alone and nothing more.  To say otherwise is intellectual dishonesty.

The militant atheists are no better than the militant monotheists who protest funerals of soldiers, who deny basic rights to the LGBT community and believe without any questioning that their beliefs are rooted in truth.  When you put Richard Dawkins next to Pat Robertson, though their beliefs differ, their tactics do not differ in any way.  They belittle the heretics and assume that the non-believers of their faith are nothing more than ignorant trolls that are better off hiding in caves.  They question nothing of their own beliefs due to the fact that they believe they are right and rooted deeply into the truth of the matter.

I firmly question everything as someone that is a student in the sciences and sometimes I have my problems with my faith, but never can I become an atheist because nothing is certain.  And never do I feel that because I’m a student of the sciences that means I should automatically become an atheist.  That’s nothing more than a herd mentality that is also seen in many religious cults, believe this way and nothing else.  I do, however, keep my religion separate from my scientific views.  Since science can neither prove nor disprove the supernatural there’s no reason for my faith to be intertwined with my scientific views and vice versa.  To anyone who would ever suggest that I should get out of the science field because of my faith I can only say, look inwards at the level ignorance you have shown and wonder, aloud, if maybe you need to step away from science and not tarnish it with your closed mind.  Yes, no one should deny evolution, especially the teaching of, due to religious views, but one should not deny exploration of the world via science because someone believes differently than you.  Isn’t this what Galileo and other early scientists faced when their facts conflicted with the monotheist world view?  How dare you then do as the monotheists have done and become the ignorance you so rightly want to get rid of.  Using ignorance to get rid of ignorance equates to nothing (1-1=0)

The Nature of the Gods

To many unbelievers, atheists and monotheists alike, the fact that evilness exists in the world is a good argument for there not being god(s), but I feel this is inadequate considering the Gods aren’t entirely custodians of all things man. Even within the Christian religion does it give man dominion all things material so why would their God intercede every single day to save humans? The Gods treat us like our parents do in that when we do something stupid it is up to us to fix, not our parents.  As adults and as human beings birthed by the Gods we have free will which we savor with each breath we take and the Gods, like our parents, aren’t blind to our lust of individualism and liberty.  In fact, the Gods encourage it regularly without the iron-fisted intervention the Christians expect from their God.  If we ask, aka pray, for the Gods to help they will, but up to a point since any further would tread over the free will we enjoy.  To ask for such things as riches wouldn’t bestow riches instantly, but muse into your mind an idea that will lead to such, if you truly listen for it.

If the Gods intervened daily to stop evilness then how in the name of the Gods would we even know how to live, how to survive, how to even innovate in order to eradicate disease?  We wouldn’t for all things would be provided for by the Gods, but Gods aren’t tyrants.  Instead, they give us free will and liberty to do stupid evil things and to figure out why we do stupid evil things and then to make sure that we stop stupid evil things from happening in the future because that is the responsibility we have to endure in order to remain free beings as a whole.  If the atheists want proof of the existence of the Gods and the Christians want an overbearing God to rule over all, then so be it unto them, but not the rest of us who truly adore freedom even with the consequences that tend be either good or bad.  That’s life and that’s how the Gods created it.

Shelley in the Rain

Exploring, Learning, Becoming: A Personal Blog


Reflections on Ásatru, from an Ásatruar

The Libertarian Scientist

Towards a free-thinking, free-living world


A Site of Beautiful Resistance


Politics with a dash of Paganism

Wyrd Designs

Nine Worlds. More Possibilities.

Of Axe and Plough

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry and Roman Polytheism

The Dionysian Artist

Δ, Τέχνη, Λόγος, Λέξις

Gangleri's Grove

The Musings of Galina Krasskova

Migdalit Or

Veils and Shadows

A Polytheist's Ramblings

My thoughts and ramblings on polytheism, sometimes in general, sometimes on Hellenic polytheism specifically.

The Last Civil Right

Saying What Others Are Afraid To Say



Reflections in the Water

ramblings of a nerdy, opinionated heathen

Son of Hel Reviews

A review site of the stories and products that cross my path

Volmarr's Blog of Modernist Heathenism, Norse-Paganism, and Norse-Wicca

Blog about Heathenism, Asatru, Norse-Paganism, Norse-Wicca, Forn Sed, Anglo-Saxon Paganism, Theodism, and Vanatru, and how to practice it in the modern world, as a spiritual path. Both rituals, and metaphysical musings about the Viking religion. You will find a good collection of Heathen seasonal rituals, all which are meaningful for the solitary.

Constitution Warrior

Furthering the Cause of Anti-Federalism

Reflections of a Modern Druid

My personal encounters on the Druid path.

Public Comment

The podcast

The Lions Den

"Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.”

Sarenth Odinsson

Heathen Spirit Worker


Survival Considerations When The SHTF

bani amor

decolonization and travel culture


Just another site

Dia Tucker Writes

Smile! You’re at the best site ever

An Ásatrú Blog

An Exploration of the Elder Troth


Short stories and photos shared with humor and love

Asatru / Heathen South Africa

Posts and ramblings of Aquarium-loving South African Asatruar/Heathen Karl Andresson. Will post anything that may tickle my fancy. Original posts as well as many reblogs. All media belong to their respective owners - unless stated otherwise, and will be removed if the owners show any objections as to the use of their property.

I Have Seen God

A Journal of Personal Revelation from a Liberal Panentheist.

Son of Hel

I walk a Helish road, the only road that I have ever known.

Aspis of Ares

A Devotional Exploration of Ares, the God of War

A minor player in his own life story...

A year through the eyes of a journalist