Monthly Archives: August 2014

Materialism and the Looting in Ferguson

One looter who came out of a QuickTrip told The Washington Post that he was proud of what he was doing.

“I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” DeAndre Smith told The Post.

Here we have the classic example of today’s humanity, where destroying another persons business based on the mindset that one “deserves” something and that something material somehow in some way satisfies that persons anger and pain.  It’s as if that everything today, everything materialistic from the new gadgets that blink to the technicolor wonder of 3D screens tries satisfy that hole that resides in our very souls.  People binge shop or eat when the daily stresses of life overwhelm them.  What did our ancestors do?  They prayed to the Gods, they stepped out into Natures embrace, and the most radical of all, spent with family when life became a pain.  We have become arrogant, materialism creatures who post our daily lives on Facebook, as if people gave a damn.  It’s that sense that we are living like celebrities with our entire lives being spewed into the faces of our “friends”.  Why?  Why do we feel the need to keep buying stuff we truly don’t need enlarging our personal debt not only in financial ways, but also spiritual ways.  We’ve lost the connection between Nature and ourselves and with that we have also lost our connection with each other.  With the almost magical wonders technology has bestowed upon us we have attuned ourselves with the cold and callous aspect of the binary code of our gadgets.  We look at analog, natural things, with contempt because it isn’t perfect.  We see this with the rise of the practice of injecting botulin toxins into our flesh to smooth away wrinkles for a temporary period of time or enlarge breasts with silicon bags. We are no longer human, but rather husks that shame our ancestors daily with our actions.  We want more and we want it now!  That’s the message of Ferguson these days.  It isn’t about how we should respect each other as human beings or the plight of suburbia becoming crushed under foot by the marauding beast of poverty induced by an inept President who has an agenda that isn’t about making America better for all people.  No, the message being thrown in our faces is, “Materialism makes us feel better when we’re downtrodden.” and “We want it now!”  And in the greed and selfishness of the overly materialistic Ferguson looters is the drowning out of the more important aspect of all this: the death of a human being by the gun of another human being that objectified him rather than regard him as a human being.  You see, when we label ourselves black, white, brown, red, yellow…etc….we become objects, not humans.  Once you’re labeled you’re easily categorized aka stereotyped and with that stereotype comes the objectification of a human being.  Once you see a human being as nothing more than an object and NOT as a fellow human being, a person with a huge ego backed up with powerful weaponry and a sense of authority will treat them callously like an object that can be tossed into the garbage bin.

The looters say enough is enough with police brutality?  Well, I say enough is enough with the race labeling and the materialistic attitudes of our society.  Once we denounce race for what it is, a barrier between us and true unity of humanity, we will see an explosive growth in innovation, peace and prosperity on this gorgeous planet of ours.  Once we start respecting each other, we’ll finally get back to respecting Mother Earth for the life she has given us.  Utopian, perhaps, but not unreachable.  It’ll just take human beings being respectful of each other and letting go of the pride and ego that has held us back.  So, what’s your excuse for not being the change you wish to see?  It begins with you.

I end this with a quote from Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, because it makes sense even though it was said by a fictional character.  The truth behind this statement rings louder than anything I’ve heard.  We have become greedy monsters that are willing to destroying our whole world for stuff that can not possibly go with us when we pass on from this life.  Look at Robin Williams, a man who had an amazing career with tons of money, but yet he suffered depression.  He has proven that money and materialism is not the source of happiness.  A cold and callous object like money does not identify with the human soul.  It simply can not.  They are absolutely incompatible.

The humans… the humans have forgotten the gods, destroyed the earth, and for what? Parking lots? Shopping malls? Greed had burned a hole in their hearts that will never be filled! They will never have enough! – Prince Nuada from Hellboy 2

The Case of Police Militarization

As I’ve stated in my recent post Looting and Destruction of Property that the real concern isn’t race relations but rather the militarization of the police. I’m sure people read my post and thought, “Ignorant white person”.  Well looks like I’ve been vindicated with these recent reports coming Missouri:

Pentagon weaponry in St. Louis County

How Congress Helped Create Ferguson’s Militarized Police

Video of Ferguson police gassing news crew and dismantling their equipment

Can you deny now that the biggest problem isn’t race relations but the militarization of our civilian police force?  The militarization of the police force and the lack of respect for the Constitution of the United States is what led to Michael Browns death, not poor race relations.

Americans of all colors, religi-1ons, creeds, gender, orientation, socio-economic, political ideology and other backgrounds need to unite against the encroaching tyranny we are seeing as of late.  If not, then we lose as a people and as a society.  We lose our freedoms and our way of life.

Rand Paul is right, we need to de-militarize our police force and promptly too.  At least someone is on our side with common sense.

Man Hangs ISIS Flag Outside Home

With all the hate and genocide associated with this group, why else would you hang it outside your home? Well, a man in NJ has hung this disgusting flag outside his home supposedly for what it says and not for support of ISIS.  I understand it has supposedly been hung on Ramadan for 10 years, but common sense says that it has been tarnished by the genocidal actions of an extremist group.  Just take the swastika as an example of a positive symbol tarnished by an extremist group.  The swastika originally was a symbol of good luck and can be seen in Buddhist spiritual artwork.  However, because of the bloody genocide committed under the symbol no one, other than hate mongering malcontents, wave the flag anymore nor have the swastika anywhere.  So why should it be different for the ISIS flag? It has become a symbol of hate and genocide and should be treated as such.  Hang it in your home if you feel its important to you but not outside the house. People won’t see it your way because of how blood covered the flag is now. It stinks that those who hang it for innocent purposes are now condemned, but you need to employ common sense these days when hanging flags outside your home.  

I do hope the ignorant folks who posted this mans address get charged with something.  By posting this mans address you put him in danger by hateful morons who won’t understand this mans intentions no matter how despised this flag is.  Once again it’s common sense that seems to be dwindling in our society. 

I hope that cooler heads prevail and nothing more happens with this.  We have enough hate and violence in this country at the moment, we don’t need more.  We need more understanding and more unity between the people of America.

Opinions of Others

noun: opinion; plural noun: opinions
  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

People these days are to knee jerk reactionary to understand anymore.  Lets take the case of Matt Walsh who posted on his blog about suicide being a choice in the wake of Robin Williams death (Gods be with him).  A good deal of people have responded with absolute vitriol towards the man for his opinion, which usually means it’s an idea based around ones personal feelings on the matter and not facts.  However, despite being cognizant of this people still posted vile things such as he should kill himself.  Seriously, that really does nothing but create more negativity than is really needed.  Whatever happened to constructive criticism where you counter someones point with facts rather than a slew of “fuck you’s” and “hope you die”.  Wouldn’t it be prudent to the person countering another persons opinion with facts rather than vile insults?  I mean, I get how heated one can get when reading a post from an opposing view.  I can’t count the number of times when I’ve read Christian blogs calling us pagans Satan worshippers, but never have I felt the need to viciously attack them on their views.  I try my best to counter their argument and when that doesn’t work I let it go.  No point in beating a dead, rotting horse.

Matt did post a follow up to his post, but still some people won’t take it for what it’s worth.  I can’t say that I agree entirely with his views, but he has that right to express his views.  It’s like with any blog posting that is usually biased upon that bloggers own views I take it with a grain of salt, ponder it and if I don’t agree with it oh well.  No harm, no foul, but some people can’t deal with opposing views and that to me is sad, because, like I touched on earlier about constructive criticism, it seems to be that arguing against an opinion with facts seems to be dwindling in our culture.  Any kind of thinking outside our comfort zone seems to be dwindling and that’s where we, as a society, begin to decline because we want everything to be on the level.  We don’t want differing views because it makes us think outside the boundaries that we are used to and I believe that’s why Matt has received the backlash he is currently witnessing.  Once we become narrow-minded, unthinking citizens, we cease to be human at all.  Once we can only yell at the top of our proverbial lungs at someone without any rebuttal to an opinion we become slaves to knee-jerk emotions rather than higher, rational thinking.

Like I’ve stated, I understand peoples emotions on certain issues and I’m with them right there, but I also understand the importance of maintaining a balance between being offended and making a logical point on an issue. We can’t simply reply to something we consider vile with more vile negativity.  It just doesn’t work out that way.  We need civility in the face of horrible ideas and opinions no matter how much we want to rage.

Looting and Destruction of Property

As some of us spent the weekend with our families either at reunions, the beach or just stayed home barbequing on the grill Missouri saw others spending time unwisely looting and destroying property shamelesslyBuus502CcAIrCCh doing so under the guise of “rage” for the killing of yet another unarmed black youth.  It’s heinous enough that there is this epidemic of police brutality occurring in all neighborhoods, towards all races and across the board on all of those within every inch of the socio-economic status.  With the militarization of our police and lack of regard for the Constitution by said police it’s not surprising that these events are increasing.  However, the problem that is being seen is not a uniting between blacks and whites against the encroaching police state, but rather the continued widening of the rift between all races in this country.  This shouldn’t be, but this is exactly how the elitists in power want it to be.  Without unity there’s no hope of staving off the police state that we are seeing being built in this country.  Keep the people gnawing at each others throats and the State becomes powerful to the point that it is almost omnipotent and immortal.

Scen140810_ferguson_riots_lges like those found here in this post need to stop.  The destruction of property unrelated to those oppressing the People of the United States is counter-productive and only hardens the image the urban thug black in the minds of the people.  It does nothing to bring to light the issue that caused this in the first place.  Instead, what happens is that the killing of the uarmed black youth is buried underneath the selfish acts of the few looting and destroying property takes front and center news time.  It doesn’t prevent the killing s of unarmed people in the future since the issue hardly had a chance under the light because of the selfish few who decided violence and stealing from those who help maintain their community with business and products and who had absolutely zero to do with the killing of the unarmed black youth.  In reality, these folks are only hurting themselves in the long run.  Businesses will not want to open up shop in areas prone to ridiculous and stupid violence such as this!  This not a revolutionary stance, it is the manifestation of selfish idiots taking advantage of a tragedy.  Nothing more.

So to those cheering this on as the uprising of the oppressed, get a life.  This isn’t a revolution.  These are criminal acts the solidify the stereotypical black urban thug.  If you cheer this on then YOU are the racist.  This is sickening and dehumanizing and does nothing to better the state of the innocents who now will suffer rapid loss of businesses in this town.  And certainly this does nothing to address the issue of police brutality and the rise of the police state in this country.  By supporting these actions you are indirectly supporting racial division and the rise of the fascist police state.  So, stop it, address the issue and lets heal the rift between human beings.  If we don’t, we’re doomed.  Period.

The Slaughter of Christians

The evil currently manifesting itself in the Middle East concerning the wholesale slaughter of Christians is sickening and disheartening. While this same evil tactic was used on pagans back in Christianities infancy it was hardly in the scale of genocide currently being seen in the MidEast by Islamic lunatics. Perhaps, given the technology of today being employed, Christians might have reached that level of inhumanity. However, we can sit here and debate what might’ve been, what could’ve been but none of that matters in the Big Picture. We are seeing evil rise up without worldwide opposition and that is disheartening because it means we have become callous, cold hearted creatures due to the fact of who the victims are.

So, non-Christian and Christian alike are probably wondering exactly why I would give a damn.  The answer is simple, since we pagans believe that everything is interconnected it isn’t far fetched to say that their liberty, especially religious liberty, is interconnected with our own liberty.  If Christians are cut down and their faith is outlawed then it won’t be long until every other religion is being trashed and outlawed as well.  We need to understand this and be vigilant against those willing to destroy religious liberty without conscience.

We pagans need to forgive the Christian for what they did to our pagan ancestors and during the Burning Times.  It’s time to put aside our difference in beliefs and stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom and the Constitution of the United States of America.  If we are all to be victorious against the tyrannical usurpers in DC than we need to unite together on common ground.

We need to speak out against the wholesale slaughter of Christians, Jews and moderate Muslims throughout the Middle East.  We need to remember what our ancestors went through and come to grips with how wrong this is no matter that we don’t share their faith.  They are human beings and they need to be defended against the barbaric actions of militant Muslims.  It’s time to stand together and form a shield wall against these vile inhuman creatures.

Media Frenzy

This is the state the media gets into when they dig their claws into the fleshy entrails of a potentially ratings incurring news story such as the Ebola issue, the Israeli-Palestine conflict and whatever else that distracts us plebs from the ineptitude of leadership from Obama, the Democrats AND the Republicans.  Seriously, the category I put the Media, Obama, the Democrats and the Republicans under is called: Scheiss Gruppe or Shit Group in English because that is what they are nothing but useless piles of feces spread out throughout America stinking up the country and being nuisance every step of the way.  However, we should blame ourselves for this over abundance of crap that we have leading and informing this country.  We accept the filth that spills from the toxic mouths of the media and our politicians without ever questioning: what is their agenda.  Everyone of these sordid creatures has one so who is to say that what they conjure up in the bowels of the cesspool processing machine called the Mainstream Media isn’t backed up by an agenda? 

Agendas, like assholes, are owned by everyone in power.  The agenda is simply social engineering and control of an entire people without regard to free will and critical thinking especially in this digital age.  I mean just look at how some dating site and Facebook tried to skew peoples motives by either pairing two people who had nothing in common and manipulation of newsfeeds.  If the fact that two web based corporations experimenting on people without prior knowledge isn’t the epitome of agendas then I have no idea what is anymore.

So, what are you? A drone to be ordered around by the elitist oligarchs in power or a human being with the power of free will?  Will you succumb to the odious attempts by the Mainstream Media and the political powers that be (remember these are Obama, the Democrats and the Republicans) and pick a dubious side that really dehumanizes the supposed opponent or will you employ critical thinking and realize that the media and the political oligarchs are nothing but the biggest group of shit stirrers around just using you, the people, as pawns in their version of Game of Thrones?

Wake up!


The raging topic of today is of course the whole millennia long conflict between Jews and Muslims in the guise of a territorial dispute. I don’t support either side emphatically. To those who will complain that I lack a heart need to understand that their support is indirectly going towards the elitists who control the situation. The people have no say in what their leaders do. The common folk of Israel and Palestine are constantly ignored for the bigger objective of genocide that the IDF and Hamas want to conduct on each other. The pro-Palestine folks are just as bad and Nazi-esque as their pro-Israel counterparts since it all devolves into hateful rhetoric that is not conducive to the establishment of peace in that area of the world. Instead, fuel is thrown on flames fanned by zealotry on such a massive scale that even the Nazis themselves would be shamed.

So, I have no heart because I refuse to partake in supporting either brutal regime who ignore the citizens of each state? No, those who take a side in this conflict without thinking absolutely of the people caught in the crossfire are the heartless ones. If the pro-Israel or pro-Palestine folks actually were thinking about the common people they wouldn’t be taking either side but rather the side of humanity. This is a conflict that doesn’t need a national/religious side, but a side for humanity. Everything else is just an illusion that keeps people separated and easily controlled. If a polytheistic heathen such as myself can figure this out than the monotheists in this region can grasp it as well. However, it takes only common sense to know this, not religious persuasion nor political ideology.

So, to the pro-Palestine and pro-Israel folks, get a clue or shut up. If you aren’t on the side of humanity you are simply an evil, selfish creature that doesn’t deserve to be included in the human race.

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