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NowThisPolitics Shows Its Race Baiting

Recently, while on Facebook, I saw that NowThisPolitics had posted an article about the Syrian shooter who shot up King Sooper in Colorado. They didn’t mention anything in the headline about this guys ethnicity. However, I looked on their page and found that they had an article about the psycho incel who shot up those mostly Asian owned massage parlors and they didn’t fail to mention that he was white. Despite that I don’t personally recognize race, I don’t care if articles mention race. However, what I do take issue with is that there is no consistency. If you can mention in the headline that the Georgia shooter was white, you can mention that the Colorado shooter was Syrian. Period. This only proves that certain media outlets, like NowThisPolitics, are simply using tragedy to race bait for whatever reason. I think they need to be called out on it. So, if you’re ever looking for unbiased news, NowThisPolitics is not that news outlet. In fact, they’re without question biased.

The headline about the Georgia shooter
The headline about the Colorado shooter

New Zealand Mosque Attack

The terror attack on a mosque by some white supremacist numbskull sickens me to the core. These people were doing nothing wrong. All they were doing was worshipping their god in their way. Why commit this heinous act?

Much of the heathen community is concerned about the terrorists use of “Valhalla” as a means of stating his intended destination upon his death. I totally agree that his, and much of the white supremacist organizations out there, use of our sacred symbols is disgusting. Heathenry has no room for bigots and racists. However, my biggest concern is how callous the human race has become. This type of stuff should not be common place, but it’s becoming so at an alarming rate. Why? What has made humanity so callous and so narcissistic? Because let’s face the facts about this terrorist, he did this while live streaming via a GoPro and that my dear readers is a sign of narcissism. With the increase of social media and streaming technology, this has become possible to live stream such wanton disregard for human life. Should we ban such technology? No, of course not, but everyone should be asking this most important question: why have we human beings become so callous? This is indeed an uncomfortable question to ask, but it needs to be asked and answered. If we are expected to have a conversation on race, a conversation on guns and so forth, why are we not having a conversation for the root of everything that ails our modern society: human callousness?

I hope to the gods that the victims of this horrible act are comforted and are given justice. I hope that New Zealand is merciless in their doling out of the law against this terrorist. And I hope, from all this tragedy, we human beings can become less callous and start loving each other regardless of our so-called differences. We are 7 billion people living on Mother Gaia, none of us are going anywhere. Therefore, we need to learn how to cooperate and get along with each other or we are doomed as a species.

On the Issue of Gun Control

It has been awhile since I’ve blogged, but the issue of gun control is up on the chopping block once again.  It’s irritating seeing Americans, whom never had to deal with a true dictatorship, trying to strip little by little their rights.  The stories I’ve read and heard from my father about the desaparecidos or the disappeared are horrifying for the American psyche to even comprehend.  Thank the gods for our Constitution, right?  When was the last time any American has heard of anyone disappearing after a protest or even simply speaking your mind?  Probably never.  Sure, there are those individuals who threaten some form of violence, but by no means has our government “disappeared” people.  If that were the case, you wouldn’t so many daring folks protest these days.  You’d see fear reigning supreme, but we Americans do not fear authority.  In fact, we throw bottles and rocks at them during “protests”.  Hell, David Hogg, the newest darling of gun control, hung up on the White House!  If that doesn’t show how free Americans are, I don’t know what will.  It could be argued that an armed populace does indeed frighten the US government into a mild complacency of accepting mediocre power due to the 2nd Amendment.  Sure, the government has tanks and airplanes at their disposal, but it also requires servicemen who are willing to bombard possibly their families, so there would probably be only a small contingent who would willingly attack fellow Americans.  That number would most likely be small enough for civilians to defend themselves against.  However, aside from that scenario, we forget about the partisan fighters who hadn’t tanks and airplanes who fought against the Nazis during WWII.  There’s that scary word: we forget.  We forget how history has shown us that an unarmed population is easily subjugated.

Here’s some food for thought: The Handmaids Tale I believe is a good and realistic POV that Leftists need to consider.  A theocracy arises in the United States, what do you do?  Do you roll over and allow it or do you resist it?  You resist it of course and it would most likely be armed resistance since protesting and any form of free speech would most likely be suppressed.  The Left fears the rise of a theocracy just as much as the Right fears the rise of state sponsored atheism.  The fear of a Nazi/Fascist/Communist/Theocratic government arising is reason enough for people to be vigilant and armed.  And never say it can’t happen here, because it can.  Most democracies fall due to internal strife within the political body itself (much like Trumps revolving door of his Administration, his constant attacks towards the media and so on) before a tyrant takes advantage.  It can and will happen here if we the People aren’t vigilant.  Government is inherently evil and always hungering for power.  It is a beast that can’t be satiated, but it can be subdued by a society that is armed not only in weapons but also in common sense.

The Right, you guys are losing your minds over this issue.  I’ve seen the attacks on David Hogg, the bullying because he has a different than you.  He’s a kid!  Grow up!  Stop calling him names, stop being a bully for no good reason other than your fear that he may be able to push the ban for the Armalite Rifle 15!  Being abusive and not being constructive in your criticism does NOTHING for your position but make the Left, whom call you “ammo-sexuals” and other inane names, seem more level headed when they are not.  They’re coming at this from an emotional POV much like you are.  Either step up to the plate with civility or don’t bother.  Same goes for the Left.

In conclusion, it becomes disheartening to see only one side being portrayed as the common sense approach while the other is ostracized as the lunatic fringe by the media.  We know that our news outlets are filled with partisan hacks with no objectivity in their reporting.  They refuse to report both sides simply for their ratings rake up which in turn pits American against American.  We the People need to step up our game and stop being shills for the media and politicians.  We allow ourselves to be used and abused by the elitists in power.  Why?  We still maintain this serf mentality that those above us have our best interests in mind when in fact they don’t.  Both Democrats and Republicans have an agenda and it doesn’t include being fair to us.  Their agenda, no matter how far apart they may seem to diverge, are in reality the same: power.  Anyone who believes government is force for good obviously hasn’t read their history.  Government is not something you trust.  Government is something with which you remain vigilant towards.  All Americans should be united in their vigilance, but instead they have successfully separated us over race, religion, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, political ideology and so on.  We are divided and we are conquered and we are to blame.  We allowed this to happen, we volunteered to be separate but equal this time around.  We stopped being Americans and started being ridiculous labels.  And yet, we scoff at the idea of government ever oppressing us once we’re disarmed even though they have fulfilled one part of their agenda and that’s dividing us thoroughly.  Sure some pro-Second Amendment/pro-gun control folks can be outright vapid in their arguments, but there are some who do have some valid points.  We need to hear both sides, discuss civilly and without being self-righteous and check our higher than thou attitudes at the door.  We need to save our society from the downward slide and it can start here with the gun issue.  If we can’t do this civilly then Americans are lost as a people and as a nation.  It’s up to ALL Americans and not just the younger or older generations, it’s up to ALL of us!


American Horror Story: Cult

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Greetings fellow Americans! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything on here.  So I’m here to review the first episode of AHS: Cult.  I enjoyed last season immensely especially after the hum-drum Hotel season. However, this looks to be a crazy and wonderful season. Straight from the beginning, Ryan Murphy hits hard with the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum and how they reacted in regards to Trumps ascendancy to the Presidency.  You see two Left leaning folks freak out.  Ally (Sarah Paulson) breaks down as the news of the Trump win with a string expletives that I’m sure resounded within many election watchers. And also within the same scene, we see a Hillary supporter start bashing Jill Stein supporters.  I’ve experienced this just recently, so the wounds are still fresh with Hillary supporters.  The other Left leaning person is Winter (Billie Lourd) as she is watching the horror of the Trump win unfold, she comments on “What was wrong with CNN for not giving us a trigger warning before they announced the results?”.  Finally we have alt-Right crazyman Kai (Evan Peters) having a figurative orgasm over the Trump win.  In my humble opinion, these are great caricatures of the divisive environment our country is embroiled in and I think a dramatic look at these issues needs to occur.  I commend Ryan Murphy for this season.

Now certain articles such as Rolling Stones article complains about the cartoon quality of the characters of this season.  I think the cartoonish quality is quite on par with how the two extremes are these days.  Both the Left and the Right have become circus clowns on a murderous spree against opposing ideas and free speech.  Look at the recent spate of White Supremacists and ANTIFA clashes.  These are the clowns that want to destroy freedom for the sake of their own agenda.  These are the clowns parading as human beings when they are acting like the stereotype that is imposed upon them.  So to have the characters in AHS: Cult as not human beings, but cartoons is not too far from the truth. I’m sure both sides will hate this season as it progresses because it provides a mirror onto their antics and their extremism, but seriously America needs this and they need it bad because our extremism is becoming our downfall.  Our extremism is destroying the United States from within and if we don’t take a long, painful look at ourselves we’re going to become the next Nazi Germany/ Soviet Russia or worse Khmer Rouge Cambodia.  You can’t simply act out on your extremist views without having someone provide your ugly reflection back into your face.

Rolling Stone ends their article with this, “The country is sick, yes, but not in the way Trump – or Cult – seems to believe it is.”  It’s not simply a belief, but an observation made by those who aren’t entirely extreme.  Extremists are the minority in this country, but they are receiving the most views on social media, in the news and everywhere else.  Those of us who don’t abide by any specific political ideology, those of us in the center, and those of us who are simply apathetic aren’t represented proportionally.  AHS: Cult is that representation of the views of those who aren’t extreme.  It’s what we see on the news and on social media.  So, if you’re offended by how AHS: Cult portrays your side of the aisle, ask Ryan Murphy to provide trigger warnings prior to each episode.

The Fuel of Disaster

For a long time, I’ve always considered myself a very optimistic person, giving those selected to the position of the American Presidency the chance to prove themselves as a competent leader.  For the first 100 days of Trump I did just that.  “Nah, he’s not that radical, he’s a real estate mogul wanting to play leader.  He won’t do anything.” Well, how wrong I was proven sure struck down my optimism with


You want clean air, clean water and pristine natural wonders? NOPE!

healthy dose of the reality pill.


From the gutting of the EPA and the regulations against pollution to allowing basically any state wishing to make a hefty profit to mine resources off of what was Federally protected lands to the recent push through of the American Healthcare Act yesterday through the House of Representatives.  This is by far a recipe for disaster.  Not only does it further divide our country along political lines, but it also makes look weak.  “Weak?!  You’re kidding me, right?”  No, I’m not.  It’s true along the same reasons why Obama helped destabilize our country into an awkward morass of divisions.  This whole Us vs. US thing that politicians do to the average American is simply a play for power.  If the people are consistently divided, then politicians can do whatever they want.


“Free speech!  Free speech!!  Except for our opposition! Hasta la victoria Che Guevara shirts or something like that! “

So when you have riot on a certain campus ( looking at you Berkley), you feed the antagonism of the political elite (which includes Trump, Pence, Clinton and yes Bernie Sanders).  This is what they want!  They want us to fight as they sit in their cozy homes watching the plebians fight among themselves.  To them, our fighting each other is akin to Americans obsession with reality shows.  However, all of this faux rage is just that, it’s fake because if it were genuine it would last longer and actually provide a platform of change.  Instead, it divides further and makes the rift between all Americans bigger than the rift in the huge ice shelf about to break off Antarctica.  I will state that there are some well-meaning folks in both camps that want to see this country in a better state, but the radicals appropriate the message of peace and unity into an antithetical statement of violence, hatred and fascistic tendencies.  Both the Left and the Right are to blame for this.  They are both increasingly shifting to fascism.  Red fascism (communism) is no different than Right Wing fascism (Alt-Right).  It all leads to violence and hate.

#TrumpProtest aka #TrumpRiot

Not even a week and the riots have started.  I can sympathize with those who PEACEFULLY protest, but when you start attacking people physically and destroying property you lose my sympathy.  Violence and hate is not the answer.  I understand that people are afraid of what the future holds, however I must ask….where was the outrage when the DNC was outed for sabotaging Bernie Sanders campaign?  Where were the Days of Rage then?  The system has always been rigged no matter who won.  It does not matter if you do not like nor voted for Trump he is our President.  These are the same words of wisdom stated by Liberals as a counter for those who didn’t want to accept Barack Obama as our President.  However, now it’s different.  Now it’s civil unrest for a process that hasn’t changed in over 200 years.


A Peaceful anti-Trump Protest

Word of advice, do something about the Democratic Party or, here’s a better idea, get a Third Party out of obscurity and into the light.  Did you know that had more people voted Jill Stein she f she had received at least 5% of the votes it would’ve entitled the Green Party $10 million and recognition as a valid opposing party.  But no, both Democrats and Republicans came together and shouted down those who supported Third Party candidates as “waste of votes” and told us to “vote for the lesser evil”.  Looks like those mind sets really did you pro-mainstream parties well.  Nicely done….thanks.

To those protesting peacefully and with compassion in your heart for your fellow American, I support you and applaud you.  To those destroying property and hurt people, I don’t support you.  You hurt the movement and make all valid points and arguments invalid with hate and violence.

Let the revolution be a revolution based on love for our fellow human being and American and not hate directed at those who oppose our ideas.  Hatred only leads to fascism.

My Votes Today Went To….

Jill Stein for President, some Libertarian for either Senate or House, and for local government I wrote in Aleister Crowley, Ragnar Lodbrock and myself.  I kept true to my plan of NOT voting for ANY of the Kleptocrat party or commonly known individually as the Democrat and Republican parties.


Jill Stein of the Green Party

Of course, there will plenty of people saying that I wasted my vote today.  No, I didn’t.  I voted based on my conscience rather than the rehashed nonsense of voting for the “lesser of two evils”.  If more people surpassed that mentality, we would have more Third Parties in seats of government today.  However, the Republicans and Democrats work in tandem to make sure that Third Party voices, such as Jill Stein, be drowned out.  In fact, both Obama and Romney in 2012 both had NOTHING to say when Jill Stein was arrested for demanding that she be able to debate the Kleptocrats.  She has that right as do ALL Third Parties have that right to debate the Kleptocrats on the issues at hand.  This is why real change will never occur until people in this country change their mindset from lesser of two evils to Third Parties can create that change.

So come 2020, we’ll see if more people wake up instead of slumber peacefully ignoring the Kleptocrats stranglehold on power in the United States.  The more ignorant people remain, the longer the hold on power is.  Unfortunately, my optimism 8 years ago has waned.  Now, pessimism reigns supreme as I watch people debase themselves with classless acts like booing a candidate they dislike on their way to vote to out and out violence or threats there of. Maybe, just maybe I’ll pleasantly surprised, but I’m not counting on it.

May the Gods keep our country peaceful during this heated time.



Being Colorblind in America

This isn’t about the genetic condition of colorblindness, but rather not acknowledging the importance of ones melanin content of their flesh.  Today, being colorblind is somehow akin to denying the existence of racism in America, which is just a bullshit excuse to keep racialism alive and well in the country.

I was raised colorblind and it was quite effective.  The idea of “black” and “white” didn’t mean jack shit to me.  It made no sense to apply color to a human being.  I hung out with “black” kids, “white” kids and even a half Native American kid without ever a thought coming to my mind about how different they were to me.  In my mind, they weren’t different.  They were kids like me who wanted to have fun and that was it.  It wasn’t until high school did the racialist agenda get packed into my skull.  Race became important to acknowledge and bow down to.  My colorblindness was cast away for awhile as the education  system re-educated me on what race meant to others who weren’t lucky enough to escape the shackles of racialism.

Racialism are the shackles that keep us human beings subservient to the ruling elite.  It keeps us thoroughly divided without ever truly uniting against the common enemy we all have: the oligarchy.  The oligarchy is comprised of the Democrat and Republican parties. Despite their differences on the surface, beneath the exterior of benevolence lies the beating heart of a dark hydra (two heads, same body) that push the racialist agenda onto their constituents.  If power comes from unity then the idea of keeping us divided along racial lines is important to the two party oligarchy that seek to rule over us instead of working for us, which is the way it’s supposed to be.

There are those racialists who keep the lie alive by stating that being colorblind is false and denies racism. Being colorblind does not deny racism especially since we live in a racialist society.  Anyone who denies that racism exists from all sides of our society are delusional.  However, being colorblind and denying the existence of race is the first step in defeating racism.  By keeping race alive it keeps us divided along those lines which in turn keeps racism thriving in the deep, dark depths known white nationalism, black nationalism, hispanic nationalism…etc.  In order to bring down these walls of separation we have to acknowledge the fact that race doesn’t exist and is simply a byproduct of evolution and nothing more.  The melanin content of our skin does not make us any better or any worse than someone with a different melanin skin content.  Once we become educated on the facts will we then finally unite as human beings.

Media Blitz

Hated… time and time again
Force fed, suppress senseless fear of difference
True self suppression, hollow dreams of misery
Blind wish to see
Indifference to be
Freedom, expressionless bouts of legislation
True self repression, take a stance of fall to your needs
Corrupt in the system
Laws bent to other needs
God fearing idiocy
Ignore just pleas
Blind wish to see
Indifference to be
Concrete hypocrisy
Weigh heavily
Ruling powers be
Never really free

by The Germs (Darby Crash, Pat Smear)

The news media are like a pack of sharks circling around waiting for their first sniff of blood in the water.  When that blood does seep into the water, the mere thought of a ratings bonanza sends them into frenzy attacking whatever has spilled that blood.  This is what we are seeing whenever Trump says something way out in left field.  I personally can’t stand Trump.  I think he is a phony and a crook.  However, I don’t believe he’s stupid as everyone wants to pretend that he is.  In fact, I see a very intelligent man who knows how to work the media to do his bidding.  Ask yourself this, how do you keep the headlines with your name in it?  Establish controversy by saying something so off the wall that the media can’t ignore it.  This guy knows the media well since he’s been in it so many times before.  He knows how to work the media to keep the limelight on him at all times and thus keeping it off Hillary (unless it’s negative then he lets it be).

I believe the news media is the reason why Trump is, so far, a success.  Yes, I blame the media for putting Trump to the forefront of everything.  I can’t turn on CNN, MSNBC, FOX or any other news station without being bombarded by Trumps Cheeto tan, raccoon eyes, and ridiculous toupee.  I’ve boycotted all news channels because of this.  If the media is so inclined to bashing Trump, why are they ignoring the fact that they are giving free air time each time he says something crazy?  I seriously doubt the Liberal lean of news media and that what interests them more are ratings rather than political persuasion. If indeed the news media wants to crush Trump then they need only to stop being played by him.  We know, though, that they won’t…strike that….they CAN’T resist throwing the limelight on him because, like any addict, they need that ratings fix that is induced by the majority of people who are thrown into a seething anger whenever Trump is mentioned.

This is the media blitz, folks, and it’s tearing our country apart with divisiveness and half truths.  Everyone who hasn’t the time to research everything said by every politician simply parrot what the chosen interpretation of a news blurb whether it’s from Trump instigating foreign hackers or the misconstrued idea of “death panels” contained within a healthcare reform legislation.  The media tells us what they want us to believe rather than objectively stating the news of the day.  Objectivity in the news is long gone and probably will never resurrect from the dead.

I’m Pro-Second Amendment

I believe it’s every Americans right to arm themselves especially in a world so inclined towards violence.  I believe also that we need to use the laws that we already have on the books to make sure that people are safe from gun violence.

I think it’s sexist to tell a woman to use a whistle in the event that she’s about to be assaulted.  Women especially should be able to conceal carry a gun as an alternative to the whistle method that anti-Second Amendment would want.  Their emotional plea for a gun free society is selfish in that it establishes that since they don’t have gun nor need one that no one else should.  Now, there are those who seem anti-gun, but aren’t.  Those folks simply want gun laws that protect people from gun violence.  In fact, my wife has thought (more so lately with the insanity we’re seeing around the world and in our country) about going through the lengthy process of getting a gun and I can’t blame her.  I absolutely support her in doing so.  When I can’t be with her at all times, I believe it’s imperative that she keep herself safe whatever way possible.  She’s not dumb nor irresponsible so it goes without saying that she would do fine owning a gun.

Those who wish to limit access to guns want to blatantly trample on the Constitution, be my guest because I can guarantee that a majority of Americans are pro-Second Amendment especially witnessing the horrors of the 20th Century when fascist/communist governments disarmed their people in order to have absolute control over the people.  What limits should be placed on gun ownership should be a dialog opened up between those want to limits gun ownership and those who don’t.  It needs to be civil and without condescending remarks.  Without this criteria in place nothing will happen that will appeal to both sides of the aisle.

Shelley in the Rain

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Of Axe and Plough

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The Musings of Galina Krasskova

Migdalit Or

Veils and Shadows

A Polytheist's Ramblings

My thoughts and ramblings on polytheism, sometimes in general, sometimes on Hellenic polytheism specifically.

The Last Civil Right

Saying What Others Are Afraid To Say



Reflections in the Water

ramblings of a nerdy, opinionated heathen

Son of Hel Reviews

A review site of the stories and products that cross my path

Volmarr's Blog of Modernist Heathenism, Norse-Paganism, and Norse-Wicca

Blog about Heathenism, Asatru, Norse-Paganism, Norse-Wicca, Forn Sed, Anglo-Saxon Paganism, Theodism, and Vanatru, and how to practice it in the modern world, as a spiritual path. Both rituals, and metaphysical musings about the Viking religion. You will find a good collection of Heathen seasonal rituals, all which are meaningful for the solitary.

Constitution Warrior

Furthering the Cause of Anti-Federalism

Reflections of a Modern Druid

My personal encounters on the Druid path.

Public Comment

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Posts and ramblings of Aquarium-loving South African Asatruar/Heathen Karl Andresson. Will post anything that may tickle my fancy. Original posts as well as many reblogs. All media belong to their respective owners - unless stated otherwise, and will be removed if the owners show any objections as to the use of their property.

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I walk a Helish road, the only road that I have ever known.

Aspis of Ares

A Devotional Exploration of Ares, the God of War

A minor player in his own life story...

A year through the eyes of a journalist