Blog Archives

I Am a Pagan and I Stand for Science

Currently, I’m a student in college studying for a Biology degree. However, my story doesn’t end simply there.  I’m also a polytheistic pagan.  Yeah, you read that right, I’m a STEM student who believes in a multitude of Gods and no I don’t find either conflicting with each other.  Science is the study of the natural world and the physical laws that go along with it.  Gods on the other hand are supernatural and are outside the realm of what science can perceive.  So, science can not prove nor disprove the existence of the Gods, it’s simply based on the premise of faith and anecdotal evidence that, to me at least, the Gods exist.  I do not speak for anyone else involved in the science field nor for any other pagans out there.  This is solely my beliefs.

Now, lets get to what I’m really writing about.  As many people know there’s going to be a country wide March for Science this Saturday.  This is very very very very VERY important since we have an anti-science government in power in the US of A.  They deny climate change specifically, which has been proven conclusively with over a thousand peer reviewed paper on the subject.  The science behind climate change is literally being tossed out the window by the Trump Administration and being replaced with anti-science nonsense that is wholly backed by companies mainly in the fossil industries.  Really, that shouldn’t be too surprising in the least.  What else do you expect from a businessman?  I believe it’s important that everyone get out, everyone who gives a damn about our planet whether you are pagan, atheist, agnostic or even Christian (you guys actually have some verses in the Bible that states pollution is shunned b your Gods), should be out there marching with scientists.  There is an app for Android devices called March for Science that will help find you the nearest march.  It’s for Free so there should be no reason not to download this app.

Science is the only forward for our species.  The quest for knowledge, especially among pagans, is paramount.  Odin sacrificed Himself for knowledge of the Runes and ultimately his eye for wisdom.  Perhaps we all should be like Odin except without the dramatics of self sacrifice of body parts, but rather sacrificing our time in our lives to devote to obtaining new knowledge no matter how daunting it may seem.  In the the end, the knowledge gained through hard work and research is far more fulfilling.

So I hope that the march will be successful in forcing the Trump Administration to avert its ridiculous war on science and that soon scientists will be running for public office to exact change from within.  Hel, maybe once I get my degree, do some time in a lab, I’ll run for public office one day.  We’ll see.

Brightest Blessings to all out there and have a great Yggdrasil Day (Earth Day)!!

More Wild Bill for America Insanity: Anti-science

Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away? – Ripley (Aliens, 1986)

Unfortunately, this is a question I ask myself everyday since after the Election.  The more I see how Trump supporters are outing themselves for the misled minions of a mutant Cheeto with a toupee, the more I wonder how far has the national IQ dropped.  People, Idiocracy wasn’t supposed to be  a documentary of what is to come, but rather a funny movie.  No longer is it funny.  It’s depressing because the very aspects of the culture of Idiocracy is becoming more prevalent these days than ever before.  Trumps election to the head seat of the United States just proves how close we are to an Idiocratic dystopia.

I leave you, my wonderful readers, with this example of anti-science rhetoric we will most likely have to deal with for four years.  Buckle up, it’s going to be one hell of a ride!

Christian Insanity aka Wild Bill for America on Persecution

It’s always funny to see Christians talk about persecution especially when they were last persecuted around 300 CE.  Afterwards, they were the ones rampaging and persecuting against pagans for centuries.  Now, they’re pulling the victim card while stating that “we need to get back to our Christian roots with Christian public school education.”  Sorry to say, but theocracies don’t work out as they plan.  Instead of providing Heaven on Earth, it becomes Hell on Earth when people believe they are doing “Gods” work.  YOu can’t state you are for liberty and freedom while calling for the 10 Commandments to be the rule of the land.  Commandment #1 especially puts a halt on that whole idea of freedom and liberty.  If people aren’t given the right to believe in one God, many Gods or no Gods, then you don’t have freedom, you have tyranny.

Wild Bill for America is the prime example of one of those supposedly freedom loving Americans who deep down want a theocracy even though he denies such.  When you vociferously call for Christian “education” in public schools and want the 10 Commandments to be the law of the land, I believe that’s proof enough of wanting a Christian theocracy in charge of our country.

With the ascendancy of the Trump Presidency, we ought to be vigilant about what takes place in the United States.  How far will Trump pander to the evangelicals who helped him into power?  If he wants to retain his position in American politics, it’s not inconceivable that Trump will do what it takes to keep his power.  So, it’s up to us Americans to make sure that the swing to extremism doesn’t occur.

My Fear

Brothers shall fight | and fell each other,
And sisters’ sons | shall kinship stain;
Hard is it on earth, | with mighty whoredom;
Axe-time, sword-time, | shields are sundered,
Wind-time, wolf-time, | ere the world falls;
Nor ever shall men | each other spare. – Voluspa 45

As I’ve stated many times on this blog, I’m on a quest to unite all religious faiths who stand for Liberty and Freedom in the United States of America and who believe fervently in American Exceptionalism.  First, I have to attempt to establish communications and understanding between those of us who are Conservative/Libertarian Pagans and Conservative Christians.  It makes sense considering Christianity is the majority faith in America and has much to do with the foundation of our country regardless of what many people tend to believe. However, I am not without my fears. My fear tends to be summed up by the above quote from our holy text the Voluspa. I think anyone of any faith can see the quote above happening today in our society.

Pagans practice a false religion
I tend to watch Wild Bill for Americas videos on YouTube and read conservative blogs like Ann Barnhardt and what I run into a lot of the times is the quote above. I understand that in their beliefs that there is only one God and that their Commandments set forth by their God is the rules they follow. That’s admirable considering our society has little to no values these days and that people with some sort of integrity and honor still exist today, but Christians do need to understand that people possess free will and will choose their beliefs accordingly. They don’t have to agree, they just have to afford the respect to those of us who aren’t Christians as they expect others to afford to them. I don’t agree with Christianity, but I respect the adherents and their beliefs. Even when I’m proselytized to by them I feel no offense and simply keep the respect for their beliefs in mind. There are non-Christians who tend to get offended by such things, but I keep in mind that if I feel offense to preaching than its a matter of weak faith as opposed to actually feeling offended.

You’re going to burn in Hell
Once again, this is something I’m not offended by not because I don’t believe in some place of eternal damnation (I’m sure there is, Hitler, Stalin and pol pot can’t share the same afterlife such as genuinely good people), but because I feel it is something expressed out of concern for the well-being of ones soul in the afterlife. But once again it’s up to Christians to understand that not everyone believes their is false or evil. Christians can repeatedly express their belief that our religion is false or contrived by the Devil, but it makes it no more true than stating that Jesus was actually the Devil incarnate to create a schism within the Jewish community. Paganism has been around much longer than any monotheistic religion and so to state that those who still practice paganism will go to Hell is ridiculous. However, I do respect the intention behind the sentiment, as long as it’s benevolent and not malevolent.

Worship the Creator, not the created
There’s a big difference between worshiping the created, which tends to be more of pantheism than polytheism, and worshipping the Creator, which most pagans do but just different Creators than Yahweh. There are areas that get fuzzy and seems as if we are worshipping the created, but it’s more of a respect for the spirits imbued within the created such as land wights or land spirits, but for the most part we worship the Creators of our world more so. We just tend to balance both worship of our Creators and respect for the created without forgetting either.

Now that we have cleared up a few things, understanding is the key to the gateway that leads to uniting all Americans against the tyranny currently ebbing it’s way into our society. My fear is that the lack of understanding between Judeo-Christians and pagans will keep the divide growing beyond an incomprehensible depth. We need to keep the spirit of our Nation, which is indicated in the full name of our country United States of America. We need to be united and strong against adversity and care for each other despite our differences in faith. If any Christian would like to counter my points, go for it! If it helps establish understanding between us all than I encourage it. I pray to the Gods for it, because our nation desperately needs to understand each other without being crass and uncivil. And if we disagree with each other than we need to disagree respectfully without resorting to name calling and childish ad hominems.

Shelley in the Rain

Exploring, Learning, Becoming: A Personal Blog


Reflections on Ásatru, from an Ásatruar

The Libertarian Scientist

Towards a free-thinking, free-living world


A Site of Beautiful Resistance


Politics with a dash of Paganism

Wyrd Designs

Nine Worlds. More Possibilities.

Of Axe and Plough

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry and Roman Polytheism

The Dionysian Artist

Δ, Τέχνη, Λόγος, Λέξις

Gangleri's Grove

The Musings of Galina Krasskova

Migdalit Or

Veils and Shadows

A Polytheist's Ramblings

My thoughts and ramblings on polytheism, sometimes in general, sometimes on Hellenic polytheism specifically.

The Last Civil Right

Saying What Others Are Afraid To Say



Reflections in the Water

ramblings of a nerdy, opinionated heathen

Son of Hel Reviews

A review site of the stories and products that cross my path

Volmarr's Blog of Modernist Heathenism, Norse-Paganism, and Norse-Wicca

Blog about Heathenism, Asatru, Norse-Paganism, Norse-Wicca, Forn Sed, Anglo-Saxon Paganism, Theodism, and Vanatru, and how to practice it in the modern world, as a spiritual path. Both rituals, and metaphysical musings about the Viking religion. You will find a good collection of Heathen seasonal rituals, all which are meaningful for the solitary.

Constitution Warrior

Furthering the Cause of Anti-Federalism

Reflections of a Modern Druid

My personal encounters on the Druid path.

Public Comment

The podcast

The Lions Den

"Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.”

Sarenth Odinsson

Heathen Spirit Worker


Survival Considerations When The SHTF

bani amor

decolonization and travel culture


Just another site

Dia Tucker Writes

Smile! You’re at the best site ever

An Ásatrú Blog

An Exploration of the Elder Troth


Short stories and photos shared with humor and love

Asatru / Heathen South Africa

Posts and ramblings of Aquarium-loving South African Asatruar/Heathen Karl Andresson. Will post anything that may tickle my fancy. Original posts as well as many reblogs. All media belong to their respective owners - unless stated otherwise, and will be removed if the owners show any objections as to the use of their property.

I Have Seen God

A Journal of Personal Revelation from a Liberal Panentheist.

Son of Hel

I walk a Helish road, the only road that I have ever known.

Aspis of Ares

A Devotional Exploration of Ares, the God of War

A minor player in his own life story...

A year through the eyes of a journalist