Blog Archives

Letter Threatening GOP Sent to Local NJ Newspaper

West Deptford police investigating letter threatening GOP members blared across the front of the South Jersey Times on Wednesday highlighting an under-reported trend surfacing these days, threats against Republicans.  As the stereotype tends to go Republicans are the violence prone sycophant always at the ready to attack Democrats.  Seems like that’s the reality of the situation these days as more and more Democrats begin to express dismay at the anti-government attitudes of Republicans, well some Republicans.  Of course, such sentiments by Republicans is often seen as being racially motivated when in fact it’s a concern about a big intrusive government that spies on its citizens (remember when Democrats were against that during the Bush years?) with a leader that has no problem using Executive Orders like Kleenexes and the usurping of the Constitution. 

I think this needs to be brought forward into the limelight so people can see the damage that partisanship is causing this country.  It’s bringing forth a bunch of loons that have no problem espousing violent rhetoric in order to obtain political prominence.  I believe we saw this kind of mentality amongst the Nazis during their rise to power. This is what you get when you have a population manipulated by the Mainstream Media into believing the anti-Conservative propaganda they spew.  It’s time for Americans to unite regardless of their political ideology in the name of Freedom and Liberty and not this partisan nonsense.

I’ll end this post with this famous line, ““A house divided against itself cannot stand.”– Abraham Lincoln June 16, 1858

Shelley in the Rain

Exploring, Learning, Becoming: A Personal Blog


Reflections on Ásatru, from an Ásatruar

The Libertarian Scientist

Towards a free-thinking, free-living world


A Site of Beautiful Resistance


Politics with a dash of Paganism

Wyrd Designs

Nine Worlds. More Possibilities.

Of Axe and Plough

Anglo-Saxon Heathenry and Roman Polytheism

The Dionysian Artist

Δ, Τέχνη, Λόγος, Λέξις

Gangleri's Grove

The Musings of Galina Krasskova

Migdalit Or

Veils and Shadows

A Polytheist's Ramblings

My thoughts and ramblings on polytheism, sometimes in general, sometimes on Hellenic polytheism specifically.

The Last Civil Right

Saying What Others Are Afraid To Say



Reflections in the Water

ramblings of a nerdy, opinionated heathen

Son of Hel Reviews

A review site of the stories and products that cross my path

Volmarr's Blog of Modernist Heathenism, Norse-Paganism, and Norse-Wicca

Blog about Heathenism, Asatru, Norse-Paganism, Norse-Wicca, Forn Sed, Anglo-Saxon Paganism, Theodism, and Vanatru, and how to practice it in the modern world, as a spiritual path. Both rituals, and metaphysical musings about the Viking religion. You will find a good collection of Heathen seasonal rituals, all which are meaningful for the solitary.

Constitution Warrior

Furthering the Cause of Anti-Federalism

Reflections of a Modern Druid

My personal encounters on the Druid path.

Public Comment

The podcast

The Lions Den

"Blending the colorful issues of life with the unapologetic truth of scripture, while adding some gracious ferocity.”

Sarenth Odinsson

Heathen Spirit Worker


Survival Considerations When The SHTF

bani amor

decolonization and travel culture


Just another site

Dia Tucker Writes

Smile! You’re at the best site ever

An Ásatrú Blog

An Exploration of the Elder Troth


Short stories and photos shared with humor and love

Asatru / Heathen South Africa

Posts and ramblings of Aquarium-loving South African Asatruar/Heathen Karl Andresson. Will post anything that may tickle my fancy. Original posts as well as many reblogs. All media belong to their respective owners - unless stated otherwise, and will be removed if the owners show any objections as to the use of their property.

I Have Seen God

A Journal of Personal Revelation from a Liberal Panentheist.

Son of Hel

I walk a Helish road, the only road that I have ever known.

Aspis of Ares

A Devotional Exploration of Ares, the God of War

A minor player in his own life story...

A year through the eyes of a journalist