True Blood? True BS

I’ve watched since it’s inception and though for awhile that it was pretty decent.  That was up until a few seasons ago where the storylines faded into a plethora of graphic sex scenes and the overuse of the word ‘Fuck’ in every aspect of the dialog.  It wasn’t a sex scene or excessive cursing it was a stupid and boring storyline that didn’t hold your attention.  The beginning of this season had absolutely lost me and I no longer watch it and with the now infamous “Republic*nt” episode I’ve really begun to understand my true dismay with the show: it has become too political.  We watch fantasy shows to escape reality and one such reality is the stupid partisan politics from both sides of the political aisle playing with our future and lives as if they were pick up sticks.  True Blood has decided for the past few season to inject it’s politics into the show creating a politically hostile show mixed with propaganda.  It’s bad enough that I’ve become disillusioned with politics, but to have a show imbued with the essence of partisan politics makes me sick.  I can deal with the sex scenes and cursing, I’m no prude, but inserting politics is just a deal breaker for me.  I don’t give a damn what your politics are I just want to be entertained and not yelled at about certain political ideologies.  I don’t care to see it in a show that’s why I read the news whether it’s CNN, MSNBC, IndyMedia, FOXNews, The Blaze, Drudge Report or whatever other news media group.  Thankfully, this is True Bloods last season and many are happy to see it go mainly because of the crappy writing and the absolute silliness of the series the past few seasons.

Seriously, though, if I wanted to watch propaganda I’d watch Michael Moores films or Triumph of the Will.  Those are more interesting than anything True Blood has to say.

About Non-Aligned Politics

Husband, tech nerd, scifi nerd, political nerd, science nerd, Asatruar, second generation immigrant, I don't abide by political labels.

Posted on July 24, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Funny, my significant other and I have started watching it (just finishing up season 3, so can’t comment on what you’re referring to). I was just telling him I dislike some drama shows because nothing is sacred lol. They’ll show someone that is all pure and holy, only to have them turn out to be some devil worshipped, or some such nonsense. Build you up just to tear you down. This show has done it several times now, with Sam Merlott, Light of Day church, Marianne, and the head cop. *sigh*. It’s bad enough the show is getting away from vampires and all into other mythical creatures – now politics? Oi vey.


    • Wait until a season or two in, because one season is just simply string of “fucks” interlaced into conversations and sex scenes. I’m by no means Puritanical, but sometimes there is such thing as a little too much, because it shows that there seems to be a lack of creativity. I never got to see the last season, because by then I was tired of it all.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We just started season 4 and I was thinking the same thing: “wtf.. what is up with all the nudity? And why is it that 99% of it is female, with the 1 or 2 male parts not belonging to the most attractive males…”, not that I want so much nudity. I’m no prude either, but good grief. Lack of creativity is exactly what’s going on. The other thought I had, from only the first episode of season 4 is how rushed the acting is, it’s cheezier than usual and than intended. Not to mention, there are less and less vampires – the whole reason I was interested in this show in the first place. It’s turning out as derailed as The Vampire Chronicles by book 4 and 5…


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